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Marketing Predictions for 2013

As always at the end of each year, predictions for marketers can be found all over the web. So far, I could not locate any breathtaking new ideas, most articles rather forecast the finetuning of existing concepts under the umbrella of a cross-marketing strategy, the new buzz word replacing the old "multi-channel" marketing strategy that we have been executing already since many years.

What will change most likely is the "marketing mix": mobile applications and the use of mobile devices to access information on the web, either websites or Facebook pages, will rise - both in a B2B and a B2C marketing context. According to ExactMedia's Report "Inspired Marketing Predictions fo 2013", Mobile will become the New Strategic Imperative.

This tendency is also conquering Canada and Quebec. According to a report by NETendance: La mobilité au Québec : une tendance en croissance, almost 36% of the Quebec population has either an intelligent phone or tablet. With Christmas gift unwrapped by now, it is safe to assume that this percentage has increased since (the NETendance report has been published in October).

My very best wishes for a great New Year with lots of innovative marketing ideas!